Rifle 3 - Defensive
Rifle 3 - Defensive
Defensive Rifle is taught by our most advanced instructors.
Defensive is in the name for a reason, it is critical for you to understand the premise of the "Proper Use of Force" doctrine in your decision making when using your firearm.
In this class we will build on the prior class fundamentals and your instructor will provide observations and suggestions to you regarding your technique, stance, grip etc,
This class will set up scenarios to expose you to many of the prior techniques but put them in a more real life, and require you to make split second decisions.
This class will cover the following new concepts:
- Understanding The Proper Use of Force
- Moving and Shooting with Real Life Scenarios Using Silhouette Targets.
- Split second Decision Making - (Good Guy vs Bad Guy)
- Justification of shoot - no shoot
Repetitive training of fundamentals will also be incorporated:
- Safety Handling
- Holding and Grip of your firearm
- Eye Alignment
- Body Position / Stance
- Refining your Sights use
- Acquiring your Target more quickly and accurately
- Aim Improvement Techniques
- Effective movement Techniques
INSTRUCTOR: Todd Nielsen
TIME COMMITMENT: 2 - 4-hour days (for a total of 8 hours)
PRICE: $250
SETTING: Classroom and Range
This class will start with a short safety briefing and move directly into the range. You will be in front of the regular shooting bays, using multiple targets and shooting from multiple locations, moving all the while assessing the proper use of force and understanding how you may justify the use of your firearm in a real life situation.
Day two will be more of the same as day one with more evaluation from the instructors to identify needed improvements for safety, accuracy, speed and effectiveness.
The course will end with a debrief in the classroom where the instructors will discuss next steps for each student.
Participants must complete the Rifle Essentials and Movements and demonstrate proficiency in safety and technique, exceptions may be granted by the instructor prior to signing up if you have attended other training or have sufficient experience.
- Eye protection
- Electronic hearing protection
- A properly functioning rifle - You may use any AR variant, AK variant or M1A in this course
- A quality Sling
- Minimum of 3 magazines
- 400 rounds of rifle ammunition
- Magazine Pouches for the magazines
- Sharpie type pen for marking targets
- Pen and notepad for taking notes
- Gloves (recommended but not mandatory)
- Knee and elbow pads
- Sturdy Footwear
- Handheld EDC light
- Functional range attire
- Body armor if you would wear it while deploying a carbine
Any Skills Maintenance Class or Rifle Manipulations.
Continuing on with our Rifle course and moving into the manipulations is a natural progression to build your technique.
The Manipulations course is designed to teach you effective movements and Rifle Manipulations, and build muscle memory around these movements. These techniques enhance your own and others safety and create effective use of your firearm if ever needed when timing amounts to everything.
This also prepares you to attend our Low light Rifle class where memorization of these movements and manipulations is even more critical when its completely dark, or you are blinded by something such as a flashlight or headlights.
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